Welcome to the "April Showers Bring May Flowers" Blog Hop!
We're so happy you could join us today!
You should have arrived from Daphne's Blog. If you happened to jump to my blog or are joining me from your dashboard, head over to Miranda's Blog to start at the beginning. We don't want you to miss any of the fun!
We will be showcasing Spring like projects or projects with a rain or flower theme! In addition to seeing a lot of awesome creations, there is some blog candy available too. Miranda will be giving away a gift card from either Michael's or JoAnn's (winner's choice). To be eligible for the blog candy, you are required to visit each stop in the hop and leave a comment! The winner will be announced Wednesday, Apirl 24th on Miranda's blog!
We will be showcasing Spring like projects or projects with a rain or flower theme! In addition to seeing a lot of awesome creations, there is some blog candy available too. Miranda will be giving away a gift card from either Michael's or JoAnn's (winner's choice). To be eligible for the blog candy, you are required to visit each stop in the hop and leave a comment! The winner will be announced Wednesday, Apirl 24th on Miranda's blog!
I put a twist to regular scrapbook pages. I take it a step further and make it into something that can be beautifully displayed all year long, if wanted.
My project is done on a 12x12 ceramic tile which sits on a plate stand.
(Tile was still a little wet when I took the picture, don't mind the white spots of sealer)
Now you can hop on over to Sarah Mae's Blog
Should you get lost along the way, here is the entire line up:
Ashley W - http://marinewifesscrappinlife.blogspot.com/
Sarah Mae - http://itswhatkeepsmesane.blogspot.com/
Mary Ann - http://scrappingg.blogspot.com/